Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Grip of what with to the and where in

This C Net article about the FCC's attempts to gain more control over the Broadband regulations infuriates me.

When did the intelligence and capability of a U.S. Congressmen become that of a 12 year old vying for power? 7 congressmen, all GOP conservatives if that is a frame of reference for your rage use it, basically bullied down the FCC bill that would let them maintain further ranks of Net Neutrality with a more controlled hand.

The story, is Comcast, being the GENIUS'S they are, are being lined pockets by the RIAA and MPAA to propagandize the Torrent community by restricting bandwidth to the Torrent's native protocol. They tried to say it was because Torrent protocol's bog down internet connections. Yeah, for the user on hand of that IPv4/IPv6 address, not the neighbor who's address is different.

Fail argument based on fear-monger tactics to anyone who has even the most remote basic understanding of a TCP-IP/UDP based protocol.

The FCC, is actually on the user-end fighting for control of broadband service so they can prevent Comcast, and other companies from following suit.

The worst part, just like the Supreme Court Judge and congressmen who apologized to BP "on the presidents behalf" when he said they would pay. These 7 congressmen stepped up and said NO FCC YOU CANT HAVE THE CONSUMER IN MIND THEY ARE STEALING OUT WAREZ FROM UNDER US! /pocketmoneyfromRIAA/MPAA/Microsoft/EA/anyoneelsewhoisatwatbag. What happened to subtle and indirect tactics? Why's everyone all of a sudden lost the game and been like DUUUR THESE GUYS PAY ME TO SPEAK ON THEIR BEHALF!

If these congressmen at least had a leg to stand on, blatant injustice is met with blatant ignorance of injustice. Welcome to America ladies and gentlemen.