Wednesday, June 23, 2010

DMCA isn't what they think it is...

So, Viacom has been in an eternal struggle with YouTube over some of the videos posted to the sites, entirely user-uploaded content. With well over billions of videos on YouTube, Viacom sought $1 Billion for alleged copyright infringement by YouTube, the Google owned company.

Viacom, a sinking ship of entertainment just like the RIAA and MPAA... They are relying on 12 year old laws for things that are happening today. The DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) has its flaws, but it for the most part protects the end-user from tyrants like the RIAA and MPAA, and now Viacom.

Viacom sought to make it "illegal" for things like Anime-Music Videos or, re-posting a music video that was freely downloadable. This kind of PETTY behavior from these major corporations is a sign of desperation in my opinion. They WERE the champs, now that its cheaper, easier and much more desirable in the industry to get digital sales, it begs the attention of everyone who has lost a slice of the pie.

Now, if I were as rich as them, had my private jet, and tons of other delicacies, I'd fight to keep it too. The sad fact of the matter is, courts don't care about them. And rightfully so. They seek punishment of things like AMV's and re-posts of music video's. To the whole Piracy thing especially to the MPAA and RIAA. TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT WHAT YOUR USERS ARE DOWNLOADING. They download quality rips, 320cbr mp3, 5000+kbps 1080p Blu-Ray, FLAC audio... Offer these, and your customers will come. Because you don't... you seek to cut corners, to take an edge, or to charge outrageous prices for things because its "intellectual property". Lets negotiate the endearment of the term property for a minute. I buy land, that is my land... its not "the banks on loan to me". Its my land. I can do what with it, within the confines of the law (IE no growing drugs, or human sacrifice, things like that).

This CD/DVD/VideoGame/FilmReel... If I paid money for it, to own it, then it is mine. Not yours. If you were to come into my house and steal it, you would get the cops called on you for burglary because it is not your property, regardless of how much you argue intellectual property, its a thin veil for them to consider themselves special. No one considers themselves entertainers anymore. Entertainers seek to entertain, not get caught in the nonsense of the right of who is being entertained. Now, the saying is you can be entertained... for the right price. And prices are exorbitant.

Viacom plans to appeal to the supreme court, but I don't think it will help any. The original article is here. Wired Article Link. And to further append the situation against Viacom, here is a quote from Center for Democracy & Technology lawyer David Sohn...
“Without this decision, user generated content would dry up and the internet would cease to be a participatory medium.”

And I 100% agree.

Monday, June 21, 2010


So as most of the tech world, or at least videogame world knows, Microsoft has re-released the X-Box 360... YET again. This time, its got a couple improvements. Wifi/Wireless built in, instead of having to get a $100 accessory; it's "Kinect/Natal" ready, 250GB HDD
Everything else is exactly the same. Oh yeah, Kinect/Natal will still run you $150 scratch to be able to use. And its "competitively priced" at $299.99 What else can you get for $299.99? A PS3. PS3, at $299.99 gets you a more powerful core component videochip, dedicated system processing for faster loading, built in wi-fi, bluetooth, blu-ray, smaller HDD only 120$ but you almost never use that anyhow unless you are mad downloading PS2 titles on PSN, and FREE Online Multiplayer.

In the End-Game Sony has the better system pound for pound.

Now, in this 3rd rendition of the X-Box 360... what are the people, who have already spent more on previous consoles getting for not waiting? NOTHING. Microsoft is being cash hungry, and people will eat it. Tech-o-philes who must have the new thing, the people who camp Apple stores for iPhones, the iPad, and the hipster who thinks its cool because its "new". Its not "new", if you want to get to the nitty-gritty, it wasn't NEW 5 years ago when the Gen1 360's came out. 3core 2.4ghz processors? Quads were out then... 512MB videoram /w streamprocessors enough to handle constant 30fps minimum. The 1024 chipsets were becoming the normal. Oh, and DVD-9's relying on Ultra-Compression for High-res textures. Please, do your research before buying this new console.

And, then we come to the reason for this post to begin with. This C-Net Article shows us, just how little Microsoft actually cares about the people playing their consoles. Instead of FIXING the overheating issue, they appended a auto-shutdown to allow the system to cool off.

So, when the Halo-Reach comes out, and everyone is in the heat of battle online, and the explosions happen, or Gears 3 comes out... and the battles get intense. You will get your system shut off in the middle of it. Because its overheated.

As a consumer, I would never buy that. If it cant take the heat, build it out of better materials. PS3's slim design has no overheating problems, nearly 4 times the processing power, and twice the GPU power, and it never gets so hot that it feels it needs to shut down.

Micro$oft fail.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

If you sanction it, they will come....

So, the United Nations Security Council has voted and passed quite marginally to sanction Iran not... once, not twice, not THRICE... a FOURTH set of sanctions against Iran to get them to desist their Nuclear Program (Weapons?) program.

Before I even get into the sanctions, I have this opinion to say; If you have done it 3 times prior, and it has has no deterrence to the fact. What makes you think doing the SAME THING AGAIN will have a different outcome?!?!

I mean really.

"The new sanctions include cargo inspections, new controls on Iranian banks "to block the use of the international financial system ... to fund and facilitate nuclear proliferation," restrictions on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a new UN panel of experts to help monitor and enforce sanctions, and travel bans on 40 entities and an individual, Rice said."

If you think those are going to help, by all means. This is merely an example of how something, now 60 years old, has waned in power because of the bureaucracy. What happened to "stop doing something that threatens the world you crazy psychos or we will war you back into the stoneage!". Wasn't that what the UN was SUPPOSED to be about? A blunt force insturment of allied governments to smack down things that would potentially threaten the world over? I mean, that seems pretty barbaric in text, but it speaks truths of its wanted intent after WWII. Hitler and the entity of Japan had the potential to RUIN the world. Until we banded together, and after the fact we poised the UN as a council of "These Governments Seem To Make Good Choices For The World" to attempt to prevent not only the genocide, but the actual threat to the way of human life.

In my painfully honest opinion, Politics, do NOT belong in Peacekeeping. Until that changes, the UN is an absolute joke. Its a stage to say "we are trying to be the good guys, see look we arent the bad guys" and quite frankly that is not enough.

CNN Article On Sanctions

Friday, June 4, 2010

Political ad campaigns.

So, since I am packing up to move, I am spending more time in the living room with the TV, and I got the "pleasure" of seeing a mudslinging advertisement against the Ohio Governor Ted Strickland. It was maybe a pro Kasich ad... but it was just an attack.

"well he lost 400,000 ohio jobs on his watch" "he is worried, thats why hes attacking"

This is the WORST ad ever. The worst attack ad I've ever seen... why would he be worried? Because he cant talk up his own accomplishments? I'm sorry, Kasich was involved with Lehmen Brothers. Strickland didn't do anything to curb job loss... do we have any other choices for governor of ohio?


well fuck...

So, we have a greedy incompetent fool(R-John Kasich), and someone who doesn't know how to handle things when the chips are down, so they just go all in on jack two offsuited (D-Ted Strickland).

Someone else please step up for Ohio, I mean... people DO live here, we are more than a water table for Michigan.

Administration, and YOU!

"Washington (CNN) -- President Obama told CNN's Larry King on Thursday that he is furious about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, but his job is to fix things instead of just yelling at people."

I'm sorry Mr. President, being furious certainly ISN'T good enough. What in the hell are you waiting for? Seriously? This is certainly a WORTHY CAUSE TO SPEND TAX DOLLARS! Get FEMA in there... get these people the money they need to do the job RIGHT the first time. Because as of right now, they have tried a twist tie on a bullet hole, a band-aid, a band-aid brand band-aid, and a kiss to make it feel better. BP's "engineers" aren't being given the go ahead to spend increasing amounts of money on this, and their pussyfooting with money saving is costing the environment, the economy, and the livelihood of the entire southern coastal region.

Fish, will die, which then wont be able to be fished. There was a speaker on CNN, who got cut short on what he was saying because it was anti-capitalism and holy crap don't mention that around the 'Mericans. But the words he spoke were along these lines;
If this doesn't get contained in a timely fashion, and the gushing oil stopped, the climatological impacts will be far more spread than the southern coast of the United States. The animal life that migrates in and out of there will change, the environmental patterns of species that breed in those warm waters risk catastrophic population decreases, dolphins, whales, sharks, the lowly sea sponge. The entire eco-system of the world risks drastic, and damaging change.
I don't know how much of this nonsense I believe, but it certainly has merit to raise alarm. Its not a threat of extinction, but it is an impact of biblical* proportions.

(*The word biblical is very profound, and used as a verb)

So, I say this to you Mr. President; Get off of your black ass, and DO something. As of where I sit, all you ARE doing is huffing hot air at a devastating situation and pretending to hope for the best.