Friday, June 4, 2010

Administration, and YOU!

"Washington (CNN) -- President Obama told CNN's Larry King on Thursday that he is furious about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, but his job is to fix things instead of just yelling at people."

I'm sorry Mr. President, being furious certainly ISN'T good enough. What in the hell are you waiting for? Seriously? This is certainly a WORTHY CAUSE TO SPEND TAX DOLLARS! Get FEMA in there... get these people the money they need to do the job RIGHT the first time. Because as of right now, they have tried a twist tie on a bullet hole, a band-aid, a band-aid brand band-aid, and a kiss to make it feel better. BP's "engineers" aren't being given the go ahead to spend increasing amounts of money on this, and their pussyfooting with money saving is costing the environment, the economy, and the livelihood of the entire southern coastal region.

Fish, will die, which then wont be able to be fished. There was a speaker on CNN, who got cut short on what he was saying because it was anti-capitalism and holy crap don't mention that around the 'Mericans. But the words he spoke were along these lines;
If this doesn't get contained in a timely fashion, and the gushing oil stopped, the climatological impacts will be far more spread than the southern coast of the United States. The animal life that migrates in and out of there will change, the environmental patterns of species that breed in those warm waters risk catastrophic population decreases, dolphins, whales, sharks, the lowly sea sponge. The entire eco-system of the world risks drastic, and damaging change.
I don't know how much of this nonsense I believe, but it certainly has merit to raise alarm. Its not a threat of extinction, but it is an impact of biblical* proportions.

(*The word biblical is very profound, and used as a verb)

So, I say this to you Mr. President; Get off of your black ass, and DO something. As of where I sit, all you ARE doing is huffing hot air at a devastating situation and pretending to hope for the best.

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