Monday, June 21, 2010


So as most of the tech world, or at least videogame world knows, Microsoft has re-released the X-Box 360... YET again. This time, its got a couple improvements. Wifi/Wireless built in, instead of having to get a $100 accessory; it's "Kinect/Natal" ready, 250GB HDD
Everything else is exactly the same. Oh yeah, Kinect/Natal will still run you $150 scratch to be able to use. And its "competitively priced" at $299.99 What else can you get for $299.99? A PS3. PS3, at $299.99 gets you a more powerful core component videochip, dedicated system processing for faster loading, built in wi-fi, bluetooth, blu-ray, smaller HDD only 120$ but you almost never use that anyhow unless you are mad downloading PS2 titles on PSN, and FREE Online Multiplayer.

In the End-Game Sony has the better system pound for pound.

Now, in this 3rd rendition of the X-Box 360... what are the people, who have already spent more on previous consoles getting for not waiting? NOTHING. Microsoft is being cash hungry, and people will eat it. Tech-o-philes who must have the new thing, the people who camp Apple stores for iPhones, the iPad, and the hipster who thinks its cool because its "new". Its not "new", if you want to get to the nitty-gritty, it wasn't NEW 5 years ago when the Gen1 360's came out. 3core 2.4ghz processors? Quads were out then... 512MB videoram /w streamprocessors enough to handle constant 30fps minimum. The 1024 chipsets were becoming the normal. Oh, and DVD-9's relying on Ultra-Compression for High-res textures. Please, do your research before buying this new console.

And, then we come to the reason for this post to begin with. This C-Net Article shows us, just how little Microsoft actually cares about the people playing their consoles. Instead of FIXING the overheating issue, they appended a auto-shutdown to allow the system to cool off.

So, when the Halo-Reach comes out, and everyone is in the heat of battle online, and the explosions happen, or Gears 3 comes out... and the battles get intense. You will get your system shut off in the middle of it. Because its overheated.

As a consumer, I would never buy that. If it cant take the heat, build it out of better materials. PS3's slim design has no overheating problems, nearly 4 times the processing power, and twice the GPU power, and it never gets so hot that it feels it needs to shut down.

Micro$oft fail.

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