Wednesday, June 9, 2010

If you sanction it, they will come....

So, the United Nations Security Council has voted and passed quite marginally to sanction Iran not... once, not twice, not THRICE... a FOURTH set of sanctions against Iran to get them to desist their Nuclear Program (Weapons?) program.

Before I even get into the sanctions, I have this opinion to say; If you have done it 3 times prior, and it has has no deterrence to the fact. What makes you think doing the SAME THING AGAIN will have a different outcome?!?!

I mean really.

"The new sanctions include cargo inspections, new controls on Iranian banks "to block the use of the international financial system ... to fund and facilitate nuclear proliferation," restrictions on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a new UN panel of experts to help monitor and enforce sanctions, and travel bans on 40 entities and an individual, Rice said."

If you think those are going to help, by all means. This is merely an example of how something, now 60 years old, has waned in power because of the bureaucracy. What happened to "stop doing something that threatens the world you crazy psychos or we will war you back into the stoneage!". Wasn't that what the UN was SUPPOSED to be about? A blunt force insturment of allied governments to smack down things that would potentially threaten the world over? I mean, that seems pretty barbaric in text, but it speaks truths of its wanted intent after WWII. Hitler and the entity of Japan had the potential to RUIN the world. Until we banded together, and after the fact we poised the UN as a council of "These Governments Seem To Make Good Choices For The World" to attempt to prevent not only the genocide, but the actual threat to the way of human life.

In my painfully honest opinion, Politics, do NOT belong in Peacekeeping. Until that changes, the UN is an absolute joke. Its a stage to say "we are trying to be the good guys, see look we arent the bad guys" and quite frankly that is not enough.

CNN Article On Sanctions

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